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Speech by Comrade Huang Kunming at the High Quality Development Conference of Guangdong Province (2024)

Information Source: Shenzhen published Release time: 2024-02-18


  On February 18, the first working day of the Chinese New Year, the provincial Party Committee and the provincial government held the provincial high-quality development conference, which set up the main venue in Shenzhen, and set up sub-venues in all regions to list, counties (cities, districts), and carried out live broadcast for the whole province。The following is a transcript of the speech of Huang Kunming, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, at the conference

  Comrades and Friends,

  A diligent man comes early in spring。On the first day of work after the Spring Festival last year, we held the province's high-quality development conference for the first time, releasing a clear signal to the whole society to work hard and gather strength。Today, we once again convened the province's high-quality development conference, focusing on industrial science and technology innovation, looking for the future, is to continue to consolidate the foundation of the real economy, manufacturing, continue to promote high-quality development。

  During the Spring Festival, the land of Lingnan is full of spring, and the grass and trees are showing。Beijing-guangzhou Line trains full of people with dreams, back to Guangdong;Traffic from the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge arrives at Zhuhai Port, imagining the Bay Area。Drumming, Longma spirit, everywhere is shuttle rush, sowing hope scene。We all share a common desire to make life better and our country stronger。This is the daily picture of the construction of a modern power and the source of strength for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。To the common goal of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation, the Party and the people remain committed and continue to strive。After 10 years of innovative breakthroughs in theory and practice in the new era, our Party has led the people to successfully promote and expand Chinese-style modernization。以习近平同志为核心的党中央把推进中国式现代化作为新时代最大的政治,把坚持高质量发展作为新时代的硬道理,深刻指明新时代新征程的中心任务和实现路径,那就是干现代化,以高质量发展支撑现代化建设。

  The productive forces are the ultimate determinant of all social development, and the most important thing to promote modernization is to develop highly developed productive forces。对此,习近平总书记作了深邃思考、深刻论述。The General Secretary creatively put forward a new theory of productive forces,It is emphasized that developing new quality productive forces is an inherent requirement and an important focus for promoting high-quality development,It is pointed out that the new quality productivity is born from the revolutionary breakthrough of technology, the innovative allocation of production factors, and the deep transformation and upgrading of industries,Characterized by innovation,The key is quality,The essence is advanced productive forces。This new productivity theory profoundly clarifies the relationship between the development of new quality productivity and scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, and gives us a clearer direction and starting point for promoting high-quality development。From "new development stage" to "new development concept" to "new development pattern" to "new quality productivity",The General Secretary put forward a series of new ideas, new ideas and new strategies for economic development,Make a series of major decisions and deployments,谱写了习近平经济思想的新篇章,Promoting high-quality development has become the consensus and conscious action of the whole Party and society,Become the main melody of economic development。

  As a major economic and manufacturing province, Guangdong has abundant scientific and technological innovation resources and strong scientific and technological innovation strength, and shoulders important missions and major responsibilities in high-quality development。党的十八大以来,习近平总书记5次亲临广东,对我们推动高质量发展、做大做强实体经济、以科技创新推动产业创新谆谆指引。The general secretary stressed that Guangdong should take the lead in innovation-driven development;The general secretary demanded that Guangdong should "strive to build an industrial technology innovation center with global influence".。Under the kind care of the general secretary,The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has been comprehensively developed as an international science and technology innovation center, a comprehensive national science center, and a highland for high-level talents,Pengcheng Laboratory, Guangzhou laboratory, big science equipment and other "national instruments" have been laid out,National technological innovation centers, manufacturing innovation centers, and industrial innovation centers have been intensively implemented,High-level universities, research institutes, and leading enterprises in science and technology have gathered momentum。Guangdong has a solid industrial scientific and technological innovation foundation and innovation advantages, and the comprehensive regional innovation ability has ranked first in the country for seven consecutive years. The whole province has formed a strong consensus: high-quality development is the fundamental way out for Guangdong to achieve modernization, and high-quality development is essentially innovation-driven development。We must unswervingly follow the road of high-quality development, seize the "nose" of scientific and technological innovation, put innovation on enterprises, industries, and development, and strive to build a modern new Guangdong that relies on innovation to advance, rely on innovation, and rely on innovation to win。

  Looking at the overall situation, Chinese-style modernization is slowly unfolding, and the responsibility of consolidating the material and technological foundation is mountain heavy。接过历史的接力棒,建设一个现代化的新广东,习近平总书记、党中央寄予厚望,父老乡亲充满期待,我们这代人要有再创奇迹、再写辉煌的志气和担当,才能不辜负先辈,对得起后人。The time for basic modernization from now to 2035 is tight and the task is heavy, and Guangdong must take the lead, with high requirements and great difficulties。In contrast to the "five Chinese characteristics" of Chinese-style modernization, whether it is to make the whole province and the whole people of the province enter modernization, promote common prosperity, or promote the coordination of the two civilizations, and the harmony between man and nature, there needs to be a strong material and technological foundation for support。In contrast to the "two-step" strategic arrangement, especially the overall goal of the first step, we should be the first to reach the level of medium-sized developed economies and become the first to become an innovative economy. There are still large gaps and shortcomings, which also means that there is greater potential and space。To achieve these goals and tasks and reach new heights of development, the key is to rely on scientific and technological innovation and industrial development, constantly liberate and develop productive forces, and constantly create and accumulate social wealth。

  Seize the opportunity, the wave of science and technology is rolling in, and it is time to embrace the new "scientific spring"。At present, the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation in the world are deepening, and the historic convergence of China's shift to innovation-driven and high-quality development has ushered in a new "scientific spring"。This is a magnificent revolution and change, but also a competition to seize the strategic commanding heights。Seize the opportunity, we can achieve lane overtaking, late rise;If we miss the opportunity, our gap may be further widened and we will hover in an unfavorable position。This time, we have the opportunity to stand at the head of the wave of science and technology。Throughout the history of the industrial revolution, every scientific and technological revolution and industrial change began with a breakthrough and a local outbreak, and Manchester, England, the Ruhr, Germany, and Silicon Valley in the United States all played an important role as the source of innovation。In this round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, Guangdong should assume the responsibility, pay close attention to disruptive and cutting-edge technologies, grasp strategic and pioneering industries, strive to become the main source of innovation, and win the victory of strategic areas。

  On the road, new quality productivity is thriving, and there are unlimited prospects for achieving mutual promotion of industrial science and technology。The new quality productivity is new in the new science and technology, new production mode, new industrial form, the core meaning is to drive the productivity to the new quality。In recent years, the development of differentiation, survival of the fittest has become more obvious, the lack of technical content of excess productivity, repetitive productivity, inefficient productivity has been cleared by the market, representing technological progress of digital productivity, intelligent productivity, green productivity has grown rapidly。Guangdong has a good momentum of developing new quality productivity。Explore the sky,"Kunlong" AG600 successfully developed,Dji drones sell well all over the world,Quantum communication, commercial space and low-altitude economy are in full swing;Go deep,Construction of cold spring ecosystems, ocean drilling ships and deep-sea research centers was accelerated,Deep sea development capacity has been greatly improved;Go micro,Spallation neutron source provides a new tool for the development of life science and materials science,Microbial research has found new sources of heat and protein;Expand into virtual space,The Internet, big data, cloud computing, blockchain, and artificial intelligence are competing for development,The digital economy is on the rise。In this regard, we also need to speed up, and the key is to "improve quality with new", use science and technology to transform existing productive forces and generate new quality productive forces。

  Comrades and friends,To promote industrial technological innovation and develop new quality productivity is a strategic move and long-term strategy of Guangdong, and it will certainly be a tough race, endurance race and relay race。我们要沿着习近平总书记指引的方向加速前进,向着产业科技高峰全力攀登,加快打造具有全球影响力的产业科技创新中心,不断增强高质量发展“硬实力”。

  Treat talent as a treasure。Talent is the decisive factor in promoting industrial technological innovation。We should sincerely love, nurture, attract and employ talents with care, work with Hong Kong and Macao to speed up the development of high-level talents in the Greater Bay Area, attract high-level innovative talents from around the world, take the initiative in talent work, and better grasp the initiative in innovation and development。Our province needs a large number of talents for industrial science and technology innovation, we should adhere to the high standard of accurate introduction and high-quality independent training, optimize the implementation of provincial and municipal major talent projects, promote higher education "first-class, strengthen the weaknesses, strong characteristics", so that Guangdong's talent pyramid "more solid base, stronger tower, higher spire".。Regard talent as a treasure, the key is to let the talent have a place to use, let the treasure shine。We should not only create more platforms and opportunities, but also open up the channel for the realization of talent value, so that all kinds of talents have enough stage in research and innovation, and obtain due benefits in the transfer and transformation of results。The province has issued a plan to grant scientific researchers in public institutions greater rights to benefit from the transformation of scientific and technological achievements。Today, there are many experts and leading talents attending the conference, thank you for your contribution to Guangdong, and hope that you can carry forward the spirit of scientists, "sharpen a sword in ten years" and devote yourself to research, write your papers on the vast land, and contribute wisdom, achievements and happiness in promoting industrial scientific and technological innovation。

  To work with the enterprise。Guangdong enterprises dare to innovate, indomitable, Huawei, Midea, BYD and so on in the long-term market baptism to grow into world-class innovative enterprises, a series of specialized special new enterprises mushroomed to thrive, which is our solid foundation to promote industrial technological innovation and strong confidence。We should fully support enterprises to be the protagonist of innovation, promote the concentration of innovation resources to high-quality enterprises, work together with government, industry, university and research, overcome the "stuck neck" technology, forge the "mace" technology, and develop more "root technology", so that enterprises can stand up。Quality is life, efficiency is life。We should support enterprises to actively use new technologies, new equipment, new materials, new processes, improve product quality, improve production efficiency, in the market competition in an invincible position。It is necessary to promote the overall improvement of enterprise production technology to drive industrial transformation and upgrading, achieve old trees and new flowers in traditional industries, compete for the development of emerging industries, and incubate future industries。This year, the province will launch a number of new major scientific research projects, promote 9,000 industrial enterprises to carry out technological transformation, and promote the digital transformation of 9,200 industrial enterprises。There are many enterprises here today, and Guangdong's industrial technological innovation mainly depends on you. I hope you can actively participate in it and resonate with Guangdong's high-quality development。

  We must use the market to foster growth。The market is the most important incubator, accelerator and amplifier of industrial technological innovation。With a huge market, in order to provide a testing ground for all kinds of new technologies and new formats, in order to accommodate the competitive growth of multiple technological routes, so that the technologies and products with real development advantages and in line with the direction of industrial upgrading stand out。We must deeply grasp the evolution logic of industrial scientific and technological innovation, and effectively transform the unique advantage of the ultra-large market into an advantage and a winning momentum for accelerating innovation and development。It is necessary to condense scientific research issues according to market demand, rely on market advantages to attract innovation resources, use market mechanisms to realize the value of innovation, and let market forces stimulate more surging innovation momentum。We will launch a number of new application scenarios, so that more new technologies and new products will take the lead in the application and promotion of the Guangdong market, and accelerate the iterative upgrading。We will also actively develop the market for innovation factors such as science and technology finance, technology and data, promote the deep integration of the innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain and talent chain, and create a better innovation ecology。

  We must seek vitality through reform。Scientific and technological innovation and institutional innovation, like the two wheels of a car and the two wings of a bird, are mutually reinforcing and indispensable。We should focus on developing new quality productive forces, make good reform "first hand", accelerate the reform of local science and technology management institutions, drive the reform of the science and technology system to develop in depth and specificity, and effectively eliminate the bottlenecks that restrict industrial innovation in science and technology。In this regard, we would like to express our special thanks to the State ministries and commissions for their guidance, to all parties in Hong Kong and Macao for their strong support, to overseas Chinese for their help, and to the provincial democratic parties, federations of industry and Commerce and personages without party affiliation for their active participation。The new nationwide system is a powerful tool to overcome key core technologies, and we must actively explore specific ways to promote the close integration of promising government and effective markets, promote "organized scientific research" and "organized transformation", and better realize the transformation from strong science and technology to strong enterprises, industries, and economies。We should continue to foster a policy and institutional environment conducive to innovation, implement inclusive and prudent regulation, and strengthen intellectual property protection, so that every innovation behavior is respected by the market and every innovation result can form market value。"Decoupling and breaking the chain" and "small courtyard walls" are small tricks, and international cooperation in the science and technology industry is a general trend。We should continue to promote reform and innovation through opening up, expand industrial scientific and technological innovation in a broader space, and enhance our capacity for scientific and technological self-reliance through opening up and cooperation。

  Comrades and friends,China will break new ground in the new era and on a new journey。Standing on the land of Lingnan, which has been fought and dedicated for generations, we should be full of pride and confidence as we move towards a new goal。Confidence comes from 10 years of great practice in the new era10年辛苦不寻常,习近平总书记带领我们团结奋斗、砥砺前行,在前人打下的基础上,历史性解决了绝对贫困问题,实现了全面小康目标,谱写了“两大奇迹”新篇章,中国发展面貌一新、格局一新、气象一新。The historic achievements and changes we have made are rarely seen in the long course of human history。These tangible progress has made every Chinese feel proud, dispelled the evil theories and beliefs that speak ill of China, and won us praise from more and more people with insight in the world。Confidence comes from a good start to the new journey。In the past year, in the face of a volatile and intertwined external environment and difficulties and challenges that exceeded expectations, under the strong leadership of the General Secretary and the CPC Central Committee, the Chinese economy has achieved an optimal mix of "stable growth, stable prices and stable employment".。Guangdong, like the rest of China, is striving for progress while maintaining stability。Economic growth4.8%, the first to exceed 13 trillion yuan, further improving the economic structure。What is particularly encouraging is that we have made breakthroughs in key core technologies, developed new technologies, new industries and new drivers of growth, accelerated the transformation and upgrading of the four trillion-yuan cities of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan and Dongguan, and embarked on a broader path of high-quality development。The confidence comes from the geographical location and people of Guangdong。Spring is everywhere in Lingnan, and it is easy to work all the year round。We have 1.2.7 billion permanent residents, about 1.500 million people live in Guangdong, and the active popularity brings about vigorous vitality and prosperous wealth。We have more than 18 million business entities, more than 7.50,000 high-tech enterprises, state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, foreign companies are willing to take root here。Last spring, when flowers blossomed,The General Secretary visited Guangdong again in person,It has given us the mission and task of taking the lead in promoting Chinese-style modernization,Giving the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area a new position of "one point, two places",The general secretary also issued a call to friends at home and abroad,Come to China,Come to Guangdong,Come to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area!We implemented the spirit of the important instructions in the General Secretary's important speech during his visit to Guangdong,Make specific deployment of "1310",To high quality development as traction,The Guangdong practice of promoting Chinese modernization。Over the past year, we have communicated with many friends, and everyone will review the bits and pieces of the General Secretary's inspection, and they all say that Guangdong is a place where people can realize their dreams, and when they come, they can innovate and create, and when they come, they can achieve their careers。

  The most is a spring benefit。Today, we arrange the relevant departments of cities and provinces and representatives of the business community, science and technology education to speak, which is not only bright goals than determination, but also bright ideas and methods, to create a strong atmosphere of catching up with students and competing for excellence, and to stimulate the enthusiasm of early work, more fields and hard work in the province。Last year, we all worked very hard and made remarkable achievements.Continue to work hard this year to come up with a better report card。I hope everyone will roll up their sleeves and work hard, seize the day and night to implement, and strive for you and me to achieve an enterprising Guangdong!

  Comrades and friends,The road is simple, and hard work is necessary。The blessed land of Lingnan, the rain is downwind。History will not fail the innovators and the strivers。让我们更加紧密地团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,高扬自信自强的精神,展现日新月异的创造,奋力推动广东在推进中国式现代化建设中走在前列,以优异成绩向新中国成立75周年致敬!

  Content source: South + client Nanfang Daily

  Editing by Liu Dongbo and Liu Jiawen

  Reading: Huang Chun Wu Qintong

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